12 Thoughts You Have When You Learn You’re Pregnant with Baby #2

12 Thoughts You Have When You Learn You're Pregnant with Baby #2 - WITH BORDERAs the saying goes, no two pregnancies are alike. 

What’s equally true is that the way we think about separate pregnancies is also vastly different. At least for me, the internal chatter that constantly runs through my mind has changed dramatically from the first time I was expecting.

This was the case from the very beginning, the moment I first saw those two blue lines.

With pregnancy #1, my first thoughts (well, besides my panicky rumination on the fact that I had accidentally already indulged in a glass or two of wine while pregnant) revolved around the sweet smell of a newborn, itty bitty baby clothes, and decorating a nursery.

This time around? My initial thoughts had quite a different tone.

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12 Thoughts You Have When You Learn You’re Pregnant with Baby #2 

1. How the heck am I going to do the whole pregnancy/newborn thing with a crazy, energetic, and strong-willed toddler running around???

2. Uh-oh, I sort of forgot how much labor freakin’ hurtsโ€ฆ

3. I may have given up caffeine completely with my first, but there is no way I can do that now! (Thankfully, caffeine during pregnancy really is OK in small amounts.)

4. Do you think I can get away without buying a single new piece of over-priced baby gear

5. What are my boobs going to look like after another round of engorgement/latches of steel/constant leaking?

6. More diapers? Another kid in child care? A second college fund? I better start saving dough now!

7. Speaking of diapers, how fast can I potty train my toddler?

8. I am not taking so many belly pictures this time around! 

9. How is my oldest child going to adjust to such a major change?

10. There’s a teeny tiny part of me that’s sad about losing the close little family I currently have.

11. But there’s a much bigger part of me that can’t wait for our family to feel more complete with the arrival of this little one!

12. Bring it on, pregnancy. I GOT THIS!

What was your first reaction when you learned you were pregnantโ€”with #1, #2, or #19 (if Michelle Duggar is reading this!)?

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14 responses to “12 Thoughts You Have When You Learn You’re Pregnant with Baby #2”

  1. Wow, I totally went through all of these emotions and then some almost 5 years ago when I first found out I was pregnant again. It is almost like the stages of grieving (as strange as that sounds), because you go from utter shock/disbelief to being strangely elated and on top of the world once you actually realize it is for real. At least this is how I remember processing it and how I felt.

  2. Haha I could so relate to these! When I found out about pregnancy #2, I was pretty happy because we were planning on having a second kid. But when I found out it was twins, I had a mini meltdown where I wondered how the heck I’m going to pay for these kids or whether my belly can handle them!

  3. It IS a different thing the 2nd time! I remember feeling bad that I was sooo tired that I didn’t feel like I could do what I wanted to with my first while pregnant with my 2nd!

  4. It was relief.

    Relief and joy with a dose of gratitude.

    We wanted a second baby dearly, and knowing that she was on her way was awesome.

    Our family was complete.

  5. I really agree with these! So very much. Scarlet was almost three when Des was born so when I was in the first trimester, she was potty training. It was terrible. I preferred diapers because at least those could wait a few minutes.. you know.. when I was sprawled out on the couch!
    As for labor, I’m sure it’s different for everyone but Des was half the time.
    And at the end, I was really weird about Scarlet. I kept looking at her and realizing she wasn’t going to be an only child anymore. It hurt. And it was wonderful.
    And she’s a great sister and I can’t imagine Des not having her.

  6. Oh you NAILED it Katie!!! I remember feeling and thinking ALL of those things!! I was just so terrified Cassidy was going to be sick and how do I manage a newborn and have to take my daughter to the hospital, and all those endless nights up caring for her WHILE having a nursing newborn??

    yeah- my worst nightmares came true just weeks after Cade’s birth. BUT- God brought me through it, and we all survived. Oh those were hard years for us.

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